Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's conservative not liberal

I am sure that you thought this would be a liberal blog. How wrong you were. Well, I am sure those of you know me thought it would be a conservative blog, but the rest of the world would not from the title huh? I decided to start a new blog because I am sick of venting to just my family about my political feelings. I am sick of hiding my thoughts because they are unpopular at this time. I am going to use my voice to share what I think.

I am just a simple person. Not terribly politically minded. I vote. I listen to the news. I keep up a little. I listen to Rush, Hannity, and Beck occasionally. I am a 32 year old homemaker with a 2 year old son. I have a bachelor's degree and worked in my field for about 10 years before becoming a full time mom. I am sure I am a lot like most of you. I am not wealthy. Can't say I ever really have been as an adult. But I also don't believe that the way the country is going right now will ever help me to achieve my personal, family, and financial goals.

I have taken the title in part from the plaque on the Statue of Liberty. To quote just a portion " cries she (the Statue of Liberty) with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."

That is how I feel as a conservative at this time. I am tired of hearing the same complaints and guilt trips from liberals. I am poor now and stand no chance of ever being wealthy since my taxes will continue to increase thanks to redistribution of wealth. I am huddled with my mass of fellow conservatives who are afraid to speak against the changes. Most of all I am yearning to breathe freedom. I am seeing that little by little this country is going away from the freedoms it has been blessed with.

I have much more to say, but I will save that for future posts. Thanks for reading feel free to leave your comments. I am always listening even if I am not agreeing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, great blog!

    I'm not afraid to speak up. I'm a history major, forced to read all kinds of books. One of the greatest lessons I've learned from history is that socialism doesn't work - that is, it doesn't create wealth. When socialism seeps into communism, it's even worse.

    Of course, I'm not an economist, so take that comment for what it's worth.

    One more thing: I think that so many of the problems that politicians are trying to fix right now would be so much less if the American family were stronger. It's a simple idea but, I think, a true one.
